List of Mods on Scrap Mechanic Mods
List of Mods
Title | Description | Downloads | Rating | Uploaded | Files | SM Version | Quick DL |
Craftbot+ |
no description FaZe_ghost, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
364 | None 0/0 |
2022-10-13 | 102 files | 0.5.1 | |
Pre-survival menu background and loading screens.![]() |
Bring back your 3.5 menu background and loading screens!
Instructions: Copy "Data" folder from archive to game folder. main menu, background, old bg, old background, pre-survival bg Click here for more details |
347 | None 0/0 |
2022-08-28 | 15 files | 0.5.1 | |
I love rick astley jacket![]() |
because why not Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
300 | None 0/0 |
2022-04-19 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Amogus connection![]() |
Because why not
If not working for version 0.6.0 and above in the cache folder delete a folder named Shaders Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
361 | None 0/0 |
2022-04-02 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Susshake texture pack![]() |
Sushake texture pack includes:
-Susshake jacket ( new texture for defaultdamagedjacket ) -Susshake( new texture for sunshake) ( only works in survival, because we don't have sunshake in creative, so just use this mod to have susshake in creative:... Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc, susshake Click here for more details |
341 | None 0/0 |
2022-04-02 | 3 files | 0.5.1 | |
Troll mod![]() |
This mod is made for april fools 2022. Your goal is to beat the warehouse in a fresh new world while.. having some difficulties with playing sm with broken game mechanics. ( No, this mod is not only rickroll and amogus.) This mod is using mod made by... Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
320 | None 0/0 |
2022-03-31 | 44 files | 0.5.1 | |
Connection Tool Reskin![]() |
A reskin for the connection tool! r8gobb8, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
373 | None 0/0 |
2022-03-28 | 21 files | 0.5.1 | |
No Totebot head drop![]() |
Are you tired of picking up loose Totebot heads in Survival Mode?
Then this is the mod for you! This mod will COMPLETELY prevent Green Totebot Heads dropping when killing Green Totebots. Normally the heads have a 1 in 5 chance of... BackspaceRGB, survival, totebot, loot, totebot head, head, bot, robot Click here for more details |
460 | 100% 1/0 |
2022-02-15 | 3 files | 0.5.1 | |
Survival assets unlocker![]() |
This mod makes survival assets visible in tile builder ( it adds survival assets to the tile builder assets list). Other persons that will download your tiles made with this mod don't need to have this mod installed. Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, tile, unlocker, etc Click here for more details |
1240 | 100% 3/0 |
2022-01-31 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Haybot apocalypse![]() |
If you want to add some extra difficulty to the game it's a mod for you! Haybots will spawn EVEYWHERE randomly. If there will be to much lagg you can always change the value in the script Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, haybot, lagg, etc Click here for more details |
488 | 100% 1/0 |
2022-01-08 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Big creative world |
This mod changes size of creative world. Instea of value 15 there is 50 with the empty creative world. For this mod to work you have to create a new world. With bigger values like 100 when exiting, the game just stops responding so the value is 50. Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, big, world, etc Click here for more details |
502 | None 0/0 |
2021-12-30 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Podlaskie siły zbrojne![]() |
This mod adds a new outfit that replaces the burned one Columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, podlasie, etc Click here for more details |
501 | 100% 2/0 |
2021-12-18 | 4 files | 0.5.1 | |
WWII Styled Spudgun Remodel![]() |
The mod replaces original spudguns models with custom WWII styled ones and adds a custom shooting sounds. It does not change any scripts so you can join your friends without the need to match files. Holesmak, survival, creative, challenge, character, tool, spudgun, remodel, ww2, wwII, military, audio, reskin, retexture, resourcepack Click here for more details |
4305 | None 0/0 |
2021-12-08 | 60 files | 0.5.1 | |
Better wires & bearings![]() |
Check the new installation guidelines as something changed in this version, we have also added some alternative choices for textures and mashes. This mod makes the wires and bearings easier to see. It adds a dark... wire, connection, connectiontool, bearing, texture, QualityOfLife, logic, controller Click here for more details |
3852 | 100% 3/0 |
2021-10-25 | 40 files | 0.5.1 | |
Super fast, no spread gatling gun that can destroy EVERY block or ithem![]() |
Super fast, no spread gatling gun that can kill a farmbot in 2 seconds.
Update: It can now destroy every block or ithem columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, spudling, gatling, etc Click here for more details |
763 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-10-12 | 2 files | 0.5.1 | |
Classic creative mod![]() |
This mod brings back interactive parts (these that we're not upgradeable) and an old world generator (before 0.5.0) for new terrain and flat worlds.
WARNING: Do not load your 0.5.0 creative worlds! Constructions with new survival... Piter207g, creative, classic Click here for more details |
582 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-09-10 | 17 files | 0.5.1 | |
Old Interactive Items![]() |
Reintroduces variants of the following parts that were removed when the upgradeable counter-parts replaced them:
-Sport Suspension -Off-Road Suspension -Driver's Seat -Seat -Driver's Saddle -Saddle -Gas Engine -Electric... MartinDerTolle, Old Suspension, Old Seats, Old Engine, Power Limit, Old Thruster, Old Controller, Conection Limit, Old Sensor, Range Limit, Color Mode, Click here for more details |
755 | None 0/0 |
2021-08-24 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Remove Evil Bots Mod![]() |
This mod removes evil bots for players recommending peaceful gameplay.
REQUIDES FANT MOD! With this mod you can play without bad bots. Happily, you can still collect metal, circuit boards etc, but you don't have to fight with anyone (or... KUNGERMOoN, survival, creative, challenge, Remove, robots, bots, enemies, fant, FANT, mod, remove evil bots Click here for more details |
803 | None 0/0 |
2021-08-13 | 10 files | 0.5.1 | |
Better capsules mod![]() |
This mod adds one of many things devs missed out in creative update, unique capsules for each type of unit! Now every bot and animal will have respective schematic logo on it's capsule instead of farmbot one! This mod is finished, yet I may update some... СТУЛ, Donut, A man, creative, capsules, bots, better, file mod, filemod, mod, animals, units, fix, improvement, textures, texture, etc Click here for more details |
905 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-07-24 | 25 files | 0.5.1 | |
Always daylight![]() |
Now in your survival world it will be always midday, raids and farming are still working. The way that this mod is working this mod is freezing time at midday
Important! Survival worlds that you will open with this mod would have freezed time fo... columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
715 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-07-22 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
MSC Survival mod extremely hard![]() |
MSC Survival mod
Survival extremely hard player 7ho max no hp lan tree and rocks hard to break MSC, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
669 | None 0/0 |
2021-07-15 | 9 files | 0.5.1 | |
Debug mod![]() |
Debug Mod 1.0.2
Steam: ( ZIP ) HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Befor you use this Mod, Backup... Natejoestev, survival, debug, Debug mod Click here for more details |
772 | None 0/0 |
2021-07-01 | 4 files | 0.5.1 | |
Columb texture pack![]() |
This is a texture pack one of new textures is sunshake jacket to wear it you have to wear burned jacket
reviev of the mod in polish: columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, customization, sunshake, texture, jacket, etc Click here for more details |
606 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-06-28 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Logic Gate Improved View![]() |
This file changes the display of the Logic Gate, and shows which mode is currently activated. For those who can't remember the Logic icons, this graphical change is just what you need. Among other things, it also provides a better overview... RostigerSpieler, survival, creative, challenge, character, logicgate, logic, graphic, rusty, fusion Click here for more details |
1225 | 100% 3/0 |
2021-06-25 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Thor's hammer mod![]() |
This mod changes stats of normal hammer ( there are thunder particles )
reviev of the mod in polish: columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
945 | None 0/0 |
2021-06-21 | 9 files | 0.5.1 | |
FPS Boost Mod![]() |
Boosts your FPS (frames per second) 7' 1" Peppa, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
13714 | 100% 2/0 |
2021-06-20 | 4 files | 0.5.1 | |
Craftable sunshake![]() |
Craftable sunshake mod adds sunshake crafting recipe to Craftbot ( You have got sunshake crafting recipe instead of traffic cone ). columb, survival, creative, challenge, character, sunshake, useful, modpack, etc Click here for more details |
535 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-05-26 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Fawx Garments 0.5.1![]() |
Fawx Garments update for 0.5.1.
Thanks to Fawx for letting me update his mod, to TechnologicNick for his tutorial : Thanks... Corvos, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc, Fawx, garment, garments, clothes, hair, beard, backpack Click here for more details |
11938 | 100% 2/0 |
2021-05-20 | 748 files | 0.5.1 | |
strong gun mod v0.1 |
if you aim youll send anything to space
aiming makes the gun stronger not aiming dose not make the gun stronger (hammer is the same) file mod Click here for more details |
574 | None 0/0 |
2021-04-24 | 3 files | 0.5.1 | |
MSC mods 0.5![]() |
gun's tools lift moded for survival MSC, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
1114 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-04-24 | 20 files | 0.5.1 | |
better survival v0.1 |
better spudguns like
spudgun dose 38 did do 28 shotgun dose 40 did do 16 gatling dose 30 did do 20 hammer dose 30 did do 20 makes refine time faster did do 5.2 sec now 3.2 sec player has more hunger... file mod Click here for more details |
799 | 100% 2/0 |
2021-04-14 | 6 files | 0.5.1 | |
Custom loading screen![]() |
Add some differents loading screen to Scrap Mechanic instead of the classic one.
To choose the image: - go to the mod folder - copy the image you want by searching in the folder Data\Gui\Other Pictures - paste and replace the image in... kikookraft, survival, creative, challenge, menu, loading, screen, custom Click here for more details |
1103 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-04-06 | 28 files | 0.5.1 | |
Custom Loading Screen![]() |
Fixes handbook and add survival custom loading screen. Toby1364, survival Click here for more details |
651 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-03-19 | 128 files | 0.5.1 | |
Hardcore Survival![]() |
This mod makes the game a lot harder:
Stronger bots, mor bot spawning, harder raids, etc... Toby1364, survival Click here for more details |
765 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-03-17 | 197 files | 0.5.1 | |
Crap Mechanic![]() |
This replaces the Scrap Mechanic logo with Crap Mechanic Radu, crap, logo Click here for more details |
574 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-03-05 | 7 files | 0.5 | |
Random Loot![]() |
This is a little mod I made that makes most loot in the game completely random.
Things randomized: - All drops from units - Loot crates - Ruin chests - Crops and other harvestables (for example oil geysers and paint flowers) -... WaspEyeNight, survival, loot, fun, random, randomisation Click here for more details |
1206 | 100% 2/0 |
2021-02-19 | 8 files | 0.4.8 | |
SurvivalImport (deprecated filemod version)![]() |
!!! Warning: SurvivalImport v1 (this one) is outdated, consider using the custom game version !!!
Custom game version (no filemodding): nova, survival, creative, import, build, destroy Click here for more details |
4279 | 100% 3/0 |
2021-02-15 | 2 files | 0.5 | |
Modpack Crafting Recipes![]() |
Add some recipes form modback to survival.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTAL AFTER MODPACK!!! Toby1364, survival, modpack, Click here for more details |
3144 | 100% 1/0 |
2021-01-19 | 2 files | 0.4.7 | |
Biscuit Motorpoint![]() |
just a biscuit Motorpoint :P Komendowy Muzykant, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
735 | None 0/0 |
2021-01-18 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Working PVP in Scrap Mechanic! - PVP Mod![]() |
This mod makes PVP in Scrap Mechanic possible! Who will you fight for?
Full Feature List: Melee - Hammer does 20 PVP damage Ranged - Spudrifle & Spud Cannon deal 7 PVP damage - Spudgatling &... Dr Pixel Plays, survival, creative, pvp Click here for more details |
1479 | 100% 4/0 |
2021-01-09 | 5 files | 0.4.8 | |
Less grind![]() |
This mod has been deprecated Please download the custom game Currently... Radu, survival, kit, component, clams, grind, cotton, paint, water canon, vacuum, deprecated Click here for more details |
5157 | 100% 3/0 |
2021-01-01 | 8 files | 0.5.1 | |
More Kern mod![]() |
This mod tweaks the Corn file to give more Corn
Reload map after install Radu, survival, Kern, Woc, Moo, Milk Click here for more details |
987 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-12-31 | 1 files | 0.4.8 | |
Craftbot+![]() |
THIS MOD IS CURRENTLY NOT BEING MAINTAINED ON SCRAPMECHANICMODS.COM. USE THE STEAM VERSION FOR THE TIME BEING. Survival, recipe, crafting recipes, blocks, crafting, craftbot, useful, Craftbot, Stacks, Higher stacks, recyclebot, staircase wedge, lights, decoration, WaspEyeNight Click here for more details |
12487 | 100% 7/0 |
2020-12-24 | 102 files | 0.5.1 | |
EasyConnections![]() |
Restart game after installing, if installed while game is running (World restart is not enough)!
ADDS: -small connection dots for better visibility (from Durf's small connection dot mod ;D) -improved connection line to make direction... Shadow_X, survival, creative, challenge, connecting, connection, tool, easy, simple, easier, logic, gates, switch, dot, line; building, build, troubleshooting, troubleshoot Click here for more details |
1373 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-12-14 | 2 files | 0.4.8 | |
Craftbot Backpack![]() |
Adds an animated craftbot backpack that acts as a reskin to your starting burnt backpack slot.
This backpack does not function as an actual craftbot, it is visual only! Since it is a reskin, it will allow you to join multiplayer sessions... Fawx, survival, creative, challenge, character, craft, bot, craftbot, backpack, garment Click here for more details |
3348 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-11-14 | 92 files | 0.4.7 | |
very cheap spudgun |
very cheap spudgun only one redbeet crate Auoggi_Gamer, survival, creative, character, etc Click here for more details |
875 | None 0/0 |
2020-11-10 | 1 files | 0.4.7 | |
FlyMode by Gerod![]() |
[color=#ff7700]Scrap Mechanic [/color][color=#ff0000]0.4.x[/color]
[color=#ff7700]Steam Workshop:[/color] [color=#ff7700]Gerоd, survival, creative, character, etc, fly, free Click here for more details |
1253 | None 0/0 |
2020-10-14 | 21 files | 0,4,7 | |
Overcast Skybox![]() |
My first, simple mod that replaces the Skybox with a cloudy, overcast view. Made from my personal preference. Spaceman, survival, creative, challenge, character, skybox, sky, overcast, cloudy Click here for more details |
848 | None 0/0 |
2020-08-30 | 7 files | 0.4.7 | |
Zazimutv's outfits![]() |
It adds 5 new hats in common garment boxes, inspired by discord ZazimuTV emoji
Modded files : - CustomizationIconMap.png - CustomizationIconMap.xml - customization_options.json Captain Mrrggllgggllggll, survival, creative, character, garment, garments, outfit, dressbot, customization, hat, hats, zazimuTV Click here for more details |
695 | None 0/0 |
2020-08-23 | 18 files | 0.4.6 | |
The Modpack FileMod 0.5.1![]() |
This adds all of the Modpack parts to the base game inventory, for each game mode
- There are no trading or crafting recipes - To play with the parts in Survival mode, you need /unlimited inventory Enjoy! Modpack in Creative,... Durf, survival, creative, challenge, character, challenge mode, number logic, wings, flying, gravity, rgb, color block, math block, math logic, math, new blocks, memory, orient, tracker, gps, jammer, radar, number, color, wireless, router, scanner, tick, xometer, ascii Click here for more details |
38273 | 100% 25/0 |
2020-08-23 | 525 files | 0.5.1 | |
No Grass Mod![]() |
Tired of grass in ur farm? Download "No Grass Mod" and suffer no more. Komendowy Muzykant, grass, textures Click here for more details |
1693 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-08-21 | 7 files | 0.5.1 | |
More player Health [0.5.1]![]() |
Buffs players health form 100 to 200. Komendowy Muzykant, survival, health Click here for more details |
1789 | None 0/0 |
2020-08-20 | 1 files | 0.5.1 | |
Bearing Motorpoint![]() |
Just a Bearing Motorpoint Komendowy Muzykant, Connect Tool, Motorpoint Click here for more details |
715 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-08-15 | 1 files | 0.4.8 | |
Bread Motorpoint![]() |
Just Bread :P (I'm bored) Komendowy Muzykant, motorpoint, Connect Tool Click here for more details |
622 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-08-15 | 1 files | 0.4.8 | |
(Kinda) 3D ConnectTools![]() |
Just 3D Numbers and more Komendowy Muzykant, ConnectTool Click here for more details |
979 | None 0/0 |
2020-08-10 | 13 files | 0.5.1 | |
Random Woc Eat Speed![]() |
This mod changes the default Woc eating duration to a random time, making things seem more natural and less robotic
This mod was VERY easy to make, and is only adding 1 line to 1 file. Super super easy. This mod is a great example of the... Durf, survival, creative, woc, variance, random, random eat time, random eat speed, woc eating, eat time, monch Click here for more details |
913 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-08-05 | 1 files | 0.4.6 | |
Best Loading Screens!![]() |
I made the BEST loading screens! Lukas Does Stuff, loading, loading screen Click here for more details |
608 | None 0/0 |
2020-08-03 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Expanded info![]() |
THIS MOD IS CURRENTLY NOT BEING MAINTAINED ON SCRAPMECHANICMODS.COM. PLEASE USE THE STEAM VERSION FOR THE TIME BEING. survival, compass, raids, raidGUI, raidnotification, raidalarm, GUI, notification, alarm, spudsleft, spuds, potatoes, ammocounter, ammo, paintleft, seeds left, hits left, refinetime, refinetimer, refine, position, speed, speedometer Click here for more details |
4849 | 100% 6/0 |
2020-08-02 | 132 files | 0.5.1 | |
Fawx's Garments![]() |
Adds a host of new garments that are unlocked from garment boxes that drop from Haybots and Totebots
Disclaimers: - Other mods than alter textures or files that are also used by this mod may caused some custom garments to not... Fawx, survival, creative, character, garment, garments, outfit, dressbot, hidden, backpack, customization Click here for more details |
7075 | 100% 3/0 |
2020-08-01 | 191 files | 0.4.6 | |
Hoarder's Backpack![]() |
This replaces the default burnt backpack with a custom backpack for collectors!
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female as of... Fawx, survival, creative, challenge, character, backpack, hoard, hoarder, collect, scavenge, junk Click here for more details |
945 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-31 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Rounded Connection Wires![]() |
Shaded wires help see which wires are on top of others. legofreak, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
1695 | 100% 3/0 |
2020-07-28 | 1 files | 0.4.6 | |
Glow Gun![]() |
no description sharks and shibe, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc, gun, glow, glowstick, custom, texture, cool, minecraft, hotgirls Click here for more details |
1512 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-26 | 68 files | 0.4.6 | |
Harvester's Backpack![]() |
This replaces the default burnt backpack with a backpack for farmers!
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female as of right... Fawx, survival, creative, challenge, character, farmer, harvester, backpack Click here for more details |
784 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-07-25 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Spoils of War Backpack![]() |
This replaces the default burnt backpack with a backpack made from bots!
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female as of right... Fawx, survival, creative, challenge, character, backpack, farmbot, haybot, totebot, tapebot, war, spoils Click here for more details |
1088 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-07-25 | 3 files | 0.4.6 | |
More Hair Colors![]() |
This mod adds new hair colors + it makes the hair color GUI more understandable.
In multiplayer, all players need the mod for it to work. Have fun! IvanCoHe, survival, creative, challenge, character, colors, hair, customization, GUI, more hair colors, etc Click here for more details |
1256 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-25 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Fawx's Garment Package!![]() |
Replaces the default burnt outfit and the default face with new visual options for either male or female!
Face: Female: Nosering and Earrings Male: Tapebot's Eyepiece Torso: Female: Pouch on shirt Male:... Fawx, survival, creative, challenge, character, outfit, garment Click here for more details |
2665 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-25 | 25 files | 0.4.6 | |
Baby Woc Backpack![]() |
Carry around a Baby Woc for a backpack! So cute!
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female as of right... Fawx, survival, creative, challenge, character, woc, backpack, baby woc, cute, adorable Click here for more details |
5075 | 100% 3/0 |
2020-07-24 | 20 files | 0.4.6 | |
Spudgun Backpack![]() |
Replaces the default burnt backpack that you start with, with a spudgun backpack.
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female as of... Fawx, survival, clothing, backpack, custom backpack, outfit, character, player, clothes, garment, spudgun backpack, spudgun, gun backpack Click here for more details |
1017 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-18 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Hidden Backpack![]() |
Removes the default burnt backpack that you start with. That slot is an invisible backpack.
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female... Fawx, survival, clothing, backpack, no backpack, hidden backpack, invisible backpack, custom backpack, outfit, character, player, clothes, garment, remove backpack Click here for more details |
1022 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-17 | 1 files | 0.4.6 | |
GlowBuddy Backpack![]() |
Replaces the default burnt backpack that you start with, with a GlowBuddy.
Check out other mods by Fawx to see more custom character mods! - Backpacks work for both genders, but the rest of the items are either male or female as of right... Fawx, survival, clothing, backpack, glow worm, glowgorp, glowboi, glowboy, glowbuddy, custom backpack, outfit, character, player, clothes, garment Click here for more details |
1065 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-07-17 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Tape Gun![]() |
tapegun i mean it functions like a tapegun but no models and stuff
you don't need any ammos very glitchy manual installation backup your file minecraftred, survival, creative Click here for more details |
901 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-13 | 3 files | 0.4.6 | |
Forgiving TapeBots![]() |
Does this even count as a mod?
Forgiving TapeBots is a simple mod that overwrites the TapeBotUnit.lua file, nerfing their damage. From 55 to 40, it makes evasion of TapeBots much easier. That means that you die in three hits, not two.... Erin Rose (Snowy), survival, tapebot Click here for more details |
1213 | 100% 2/0 |
2020-07-13 | 2 files | 0.4.6 | |
Sniper Spudgun![]() |
sniperspudgun, regular manual install
can be found in hideout for survival one and you can grab creative one from unlimited inventory really buggy don't blame me and fawx made the model that's it i will do constant... minecraftred, survival, creative, challenge, character, etc Click here for more details |
8409 | 100% 3/0 |
2020-07-13 | 46 files | 0.4.6 | |
Triangle Connection Dots (down)![]() |
Changes the connection dots to triangles (pointing downwards) connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
1041 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-12 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Triangle Connection Dots (up)![]() |
Changes the connection dots to triangles (pointing upwards) connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
1153 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-12 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Square Connection Dots![]() |
Changes connection dots to full squares connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
688 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-12 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
GPS & Map Mod![]() |
(Survival + Creative)
Are you tired of getting lost in your world? Do you wish you had an easy to use and craft GPS? Introducing the GPS & Map Mod How to use: Go to your Craftbot and Craft an iMap Left Click to... map, mod, gps, radar, tracker, wayfinder, waypoint, compass, satellite, imap, tablet, lost, north, south, east, west, position, sun, find, help, duck, camera, launch Click here for more details |
13395 | 100% 5/0 |
2020-07-12 | 81 files | 0.4.7 | |
Diamond Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to diamonds connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
703 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-12 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Plus Connection Dots![]() |
Changes connection dots to plus sign connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
745 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-12 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Wifi Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to Wifi symbols connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
935 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
X Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to Xs connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
734 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Connection Circles![]() |
Instead of connection dots, they are open circles connect tool, connection dots, motorpoint Click here for more details |
1013 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Heart Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to hearts connect tool, connection dots, motorpoint Click here for more details |
805 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Gear Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to gears connect tool, connection dots, motorpoint Click here for more details |
1255 | 100% 2/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Star Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to stars connect tool, connection dots, motorpoint Click here for more details |
1059 | 100% 1/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Micro Connection Dots![]() |
Changes the connection dots to be very tiny dots (slightly thicker than the connection lines) connection dots, connect tool, motorpoint Click here for more details |
1702 | 100% 3/0 |
2020-07-10 | 1 files | 0.5 | |
Mustache on Loading Screen![]() |
Add facial hair to the dwarfs in the loading screen
The following is a bb code support test: here is a horizontal line [hr] and some text after it [b]bold text[/b] [i]italics[/i] [u]underline[/u] [s]strikethrough[/s] and... Durf, mustache, loading screen, gui, moostash Click here for more details |
1020 | None 0/0 |
2020-07-07 | 1 files | 0.4.7 |